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Get accurate book records at a great rate. Whether you are small or big company, we could cater to your needs and provide accurate bookkeeping including bank transaction recording and reconciliation, credit card reconciliation and brokerage statements. This is perfect for you if you are a small business but don't have the time or a big corporation that needs an extra bookkeeper. We offer portal share for security and secured emails soon as well.

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Other services

We offer other services:

  • Income tax preparation including but not limited to:
  • 1040 Individual returns
  • 1120 C corporation
  • 1120 S- S corporation
  • 1065 Partnerships
  • Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts
  • Payroll reconciliations.
  • Monthly, quarterly and year end adjustments.
  • Filing annual reports and sales tax reports.
  • Accounts receivable and accounts payable reconciliations.

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